Speleoscienza in italia – il 2020
Sono ormai sette anni (dal 2014) che rendiamo noto al pubblico speleologico nazionale (e non solo) gli articoli scientifici che riguardano aree carsiche e grotte in Italia attraverso la rubrica Speleoscienza. Un servizio che molti lettori hanno avuto modo di apprezzare e consultare, e ne siamo ben lieti. Come gli anni scorsi, non sono stati inseriti lavori pubblicati su atti di congressi, o altre forme di pubblicazione non censite dalle maggiori banche dati scientifiche internazionali. L’elenco bibliografico è consultabile per esteso su Speleologia in Rete e comprende una quarantina di lavori pubblicati su riviste e/o libri scientifici delle più importanti case editrici internazionali.
Articolo a cura di Jo DE WAELE e Michele SIVELLI In collaborazione con: Andrea Borsato, Francesco Boschin, Francesco Fiorillo, Marco Isaia, Leonardo Latella, Enrico Lunghi, Stefano Mammola, Mario Parise, Emma Petrella, Leonardo Piccini, Laura Sanna, Francesco Sauro, Paola Tognini, Marco Vattano, Bartolomeo Vigna, Giovanni Zanchetta, Luca Zini.
I file PDF full text si trovano su richiesta al Centro Italiano di Documentazione Speleologica “F. Anelli” di Bologna.
tutti gli articoli: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 – Entrando nella mappa si possono anche visualizzare i layer dei precedenti articoli
Elenco bibliografico 2020
- Ballarin, F., Salmaso, R., & Latella, L. (2020). The arachnological collections of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona (Italy): an overview. Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters, 60(1), 23-26.
- Bini, M., Zanchetta, G., Drysdale, R. N., Giaccio, B., Stocchi, P., Vacchi, M., Hellstrom, J.C., Monaco, L., Ratti, A., Martini, F., & Sarti, L. (2020). An end to the Last Interglacial highstand before 120 ka: Relative sea-level evidence from Infreschi Cave (Southern Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 250, 106658.
- Boschin, F., (2020). Caprine mortality profiles from prehistoric cave-sites of the northern Adriatic: Livestock strategies or natural death?. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30, 3-12.
- Brancelj, A., Mori, N., Treu, F., & Stoch, F. (2020). The groundwater fauna of the Classical Karst: hydrogeological indicators and descriptors. Aquatic Ecology, 54(1), 205-224.
- Citrini, A., Camera, C., & Beretta, G. P. (2020). Nossana spring (northern Italy) under climate change: Projections of future discharge rates and water availability. Water, 12(2), 387.
- Columbu, A., Chiarini, V., Spötl, C., Benazzi, S., Hellstrom, J., Cheng, H., & De Waele, J. (2020). Speleothem record attests to stable environmental conditions during Neanderthal–modern human turnover in southern Italy. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(9), 1188-1195.
- Davis, M. C., Messina, M. A., Nicolosi, G., Petralia, S., Baker IV, M. D., Mayne, C. K., Dinon, C.M., Moss, C.J., Onac, B.P., & Garey, J. R. (2020). Surface runoff alters cave microbial community structure and function. PloS one, 15(5), e0232742.
- De Filippis, G., Margiotta, S., Caruso, F., & Negri, S. L. (2020). Open questions about the hydrodynamic behaviour of the deep, coastal aquifer of the Salento peninsula (south-eastern Italy): Coupling expert knowledge, data, and numerical modelling for testing hydrogeological conceptual models. Science of The Total Environment, 715, 136962.
- Drysdale, R., Couchoud, I., Zanchetta, G., Isola, I., Regattieri, E., Hellstrom, J., Govin, A., Tzedakis, P.C., Ireland, T., Corrick, E., Greig, A., Wong, H., Piccini, L., Holden, P., & Woodhead, J. (2020). Magnesium in subaqueous speleothems as a potential palaeotemperature proxy. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-11.
- Ficetola, G. F., Lunghi, E., & Manenti, R. (2020). Microhabitat analyses support relationships between niche breadth and range size when spatial autocorrelation is strong. Ecography, 43(5), 724-734.
- Fiore, I., Gala, M., Boschin, F., Crezzini, J., Tagliacozzo, A., & Moroni, A. (2020). Archeozoology and taphonomy of bird remains from Grotta di Castelcivita (Salerno, Italy) and clues for human-bird interactions. Quaternary International, 551, 224-242.
- Janssens, N., Capezzuoli, E., Claes, H., Muchez, P., Yu, T. L., Shen, C. C., Ellam, R.M., & Swennen, R. (2020). Fossil travertine system and its palaeofluid provenance, migration and evolution through time: Example from the geothermal area of Acquasanta Terme (Central Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 398, 105580.
- Jurado, V., Gonzalez-Pimentel, J. L., Miller, A. Z., Hermosin, B., D’Angeli, I. M., Tognini, P., De Waele, J., & Saiz-Jimenez, C. (2020). Microbial communities in vermiculation deposits from an Alpine cave. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 635.
- Liso, I. S., Chieco, M., Fiore, A., Pisano, L., & Parise, M. (2020). Underground geosites and caving speleotourism: some considerations, from a case study in southern Italy. Geoheritage, 12(1), 1-12.
- Lunghi, E. (2020). Occurrence of the Black lace-weaver spider, Amaurobius ferox, in caves. Acta Carsologica, 49(1), 119-124.
- Lunghi, E., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Zhao, Y., Manenti, R., Corti, C., Ficetoli, G.F., & Mancinelli, G. (2020). Same Diet, Different Strategies: Variability of Individual Feeding Habits across Three Populations of Ambrosi’s Cave Salamander (Hydromantes ambrosii). Diversity, 12(5), 180.
- Lunghi, E., Corti, C., Mulargia, M., Zhao, Y., Manenti, R., Ficetola, G. F., & Veith, M. (2020). Cave morphology, microclimate and abundance of five cave predators from the Monte Albo (Sardinia, Italy). Biodiversity data journal, 8, e48623.
- Lunghi, E., Ficetola, G. F., Zhao, Y., & Manenti, R. (2020). Are the Neglected Tipuloidea Crane Flies (Diptera) an Important Component for Subterranean Environments?. Diversity, 12(9), 333.
- Lunghi, E., Giachello, S., Manenti, R., Zhao, Y., Corti, C., Ficetola, G. F., & Bradley, J. G. (2020). The post hoc measurement as a safe and reliable method to age and size plethodontid salamanders. Ecology and evolution, 10(20), 11111-11116.
- Lunghi, E., Giachello, S., Zhao, Y., Corti, C., Ficetola, G. F., & Manenti, R. (2020). Photographic database of the European cave salamanders, genus Hydromantes. Scientific Data, 7(1), 1-6.
- Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Veith, M., Corti, C., Ficetola, G.F., & Mancinelli, G. (2020). Interspecific and interpopulation variation in individual diet specialization: Do environmental factors have a role?. Ecology, 101(8), e03088.
- Madonia, P., Cangemi, M., Oliveri, Y., & Germani, C. (2020). Hydrogeochemical Characters of Karst Aquifers in Central Italy and Relationship with Neotectonics. Water, 12(7), 1926.
- Mammola, S., Arnedo, M.A., Fišer, C., Cardoso, P., Dejanaz, A.J., & Isaia, M. (2020). Environmental filtering and convergent evolution determine the ecological specialisation of subterranean spiders. Functional Ecology, 34, 1064-1077.
- Mammola, S., Chiappetta, N., Giachino, P.M., Antić, D.Z.̌, Zapparoli, M., & Isaia, M. (2020). Exploring the homogeneity of terrestrial subterranean communities at a local spatial scale. Ecological Entomology, 45, 1053–1062.
- Manenti, R., Lunghi, E., Barzaghi, B., Melotto, A., Falaschi, M., & Ficetola, G. F. (2020). Do salamanders limit the abundance of groundwater invertebrates in subterranean habitats?. Diversity, 12(4), 161.
- Montanari, A., Adamek, A., Curatolo, A., Ferretti, M. P., Mainiero, M., Mariani, S., McGee, D., Pignocchi, G., & Recanatini, S. (2020). An Epigravettian hypogeal site in the Grotta del Fiume Cave at Frasassi (northeastern Apennines, Italy): Environmental and geochronologic assessments. International Journal of Speleology, 49(2), 87-105.
- Nanni, T., Vivalda, P. M., Palpacelli, S., Marcellini, M., & Tazioli, A. (2020). Groundwater circulation and earthquake-related changes in hydrogeological karst environments: A case study of the Sibillini Mountains (central Italy) involving artificial tracers. Hydrogeology Journal, 28(7), 2409-2428.
- Nannoni, A., Vigna, B., Fiorucci, A., Antonellini, M., & De Waele, J. (2020). Effects of an extreme flood event on an alpine karst system. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125493.
- Pace, B., Valentini, A., Ferranti, L., Vasta, M., Vassallo, M., Montagna, P., Colella, A., & Pons‐Branchu, E. (2020). A Large Paleoearthquake in the Central Apennines, Italy, Recorded by the Collapse of a Cave Speleothem. Tectonics, 39(10), e2020TC006289.
- Pisano, L., Zumpano, V., Liso, I. S., & Parise, M. (2020). Geomorphological and structural characterization of the ‘Canale di Pirro’polje, Apulia (Southern Italy). Journal of Maps, 16(2), 479-487.
- Portoghese, I., Masciale, R., Caputo, M. C., De Carlo, L., & Malcangio, D. (2020). Combined Discharge and Thermo-Salinity Measurements for the Characterization of a Karst Spring System in Southern Italy. Sustainability, 12(8), 3311.
- Rellini, I., Firpo, M., Isetti, E., Rossi, G., Robb, J., Pian, D., & Traverso, A. (2020). Micromorphological investigations at Scaloria Cave (Puglia, South-east Italy): new evidences of multifunctional use of the space during the Neolithic. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12(1), 1-21.
- Sabella, G., Costanzo, S., & Nicolosi, G. (2020). Tychobythinus inopinatus, a new troglobitic species from Sicily (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). Zootaxa, 4779(2), 273-281.
- Semeraro, R., Valentinuz, F., & Tavagnutti, M. (2020). Correlation between tides of northern Adriatic sea and hydrodynamics of the karstic aquifer in the Pozzo dei Protei di Monfalcone (Classical Karst). Acta Carsologica, 49(1), 81-96.
- Torresan, F., Fabbri, P., Piccinini, L., Dalla Libera, N., Pola, M., & Zampieri, D. (2020). Defining the hydrogeological behavior of karst springs through an integrated analysis: a case study in the Berici Mountains area (Vicenza, NE Italy). Hydrogeology Journal, 1-19.
- Valente, E., Santo, A., Guida, D., & Santangelo, N. (2020). Geotourism in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni UNESCO Global Geopark (Southern Italy): The Middle Bussento Karst System. Resources, 9(5), 52.