Speleoscienza in italia – il 2021
Sono ormai sette anni (dal 2014) che rendiamo noto al pubblico speleologico nazionale (e non solo) gli articoli scientifici che riguardano aree carsiche e grotte in Italia attraverso la rubrica Speleoscienza. Un servizio che molti lettori hanno avuto modo di apprezzare e consultare, e ne siamo ben lieti. Come gli anni scorsi, non sono stati inseriti lavori pubblicati su atti di congressi, o altre forme di pubblicazione non censite dalle maggiori banche dati scientifiche internazionali. L’elenco bibliografico è consultabile per esteso su Speleologia in Rete e comprende una quarantina di lavori pubblicati su riviste e/o libri scientifici delle più importanti case editrici internazionali.
Articolo a cura di Jo De Waele e Michele Sivelli, In collaborazione con: Rosangela Addesso, Valentina Balestra, Stefano Benazzi, Andrea Borsato, Francesco Boschin, Chiara Calligaris, Andrea Columbu, Ilenia D’Angeli, Francesco Fiorillo, Stefano Furlani, Marco Isaia, Leonardo Latella, Enrico Lunghi, Stefano Mammola, Alessia Nannoni, Mario Parise, Emma Petrella, Leonardo Piccini, Luca Pisani, Laura Sanna, Francesco Sauro, Paola Tognini, Marco Vattano, Bartolomeo Vigna, Giovanni Zanchetta, Luca Zini.
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Elenco bibliografico 2021
- Addesso, R., Gonzalez-Pimentel, J. L., D’Angeli, I. M., De Waele, J., Saiz-Jimenez, C., Jurado, V., Miller, A.Z., Cubero, B., Vigliotta, G., & Baldantoni, D. (2021). Microbial community characterizing vermiculations from karst caves and its role in their formation. Microbial ecology, 81(4), 884-896. [34]
- Alessandri, L., Cardello, G. L., Attema, P. A. J., Baiocchi, V., De Angelis, F., Del Pizzo, S., Di Ciaccio F., Gatta, M., Monti, F., Onori, M., Rolfo, M.F., Romboni, M., Sottili, G., & Troisi, S. (2021). Reconstructing the Late Pleistocene–Anthropocene interaction between the neotectonic and archaeological landscape evolution in the Apennines (La Sassa cave, Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 265, 107067. [22]
- Antonioli, F., Furlani, S., Montagna, P., & Stocchi, P. (2021). The Use of Submerged Speleothems for Sea Level Studies in the Mediterranean Sea: A New Perspective Using Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). Geosciences, 11(2), 77. [4]
- Antonioli, F., Furlani, S., Montagna, P., Stocchi, P., Calcagnile, L., Quarta, G., Cecchinel, J., Lo Presti, V., Morticelli, M.G., Martin, F.F., Pons-Branchu, E., & Vaccher, V. (2021). Submerged Speleothems and Sea Level Reconstructions: A Global Overview and New Results from the Mediterranean Sea. Water, 13(12), 1663. [5]
- Avanzini, M., Salvador, I., Starnini, E., Arobba, D., Caramiello, R., Romano, M., Citton, P., Rellini, I., Firpo, M., Zunino, M., & Negrino, F. (2021). Following the Father Steps in the Bowels of the Earth: The Ichnological Record from the Bàsura Cave (Upper Palaeolithic, Italy). In: Pstorrs, A. & Lenssen-Erz, T. (Eds.), Reading Prehistoric Human Tracks, Springer: Cham: 251-276. [23]
- Balestra, V., Lana, E., Carbone, C., De Waele, J., Manenti, R., & Galli, L. (2021). Don’t forget the vertical dimension: assessment of distributional dynamics of cave-dwelling invertebrates in both ground and parietal microhabitats. Subterranean Biology, 40, 43-63. [38]
- Belcastro, M. G., Nicolosi, T., Sorrentino, R., Mariotti, V., Pietrobelli, A., Bettuzzi, M., Morigi, M.P., Benazzi, S., Talamo, S., Miari, M., Prei, N., Castagna, L., Pisani, L., Grandi, L., Baraldi, P., Zannini, P., Scarponi, D., & De Waele, J. (2021). Unveiling an odd fate after death: The isolated Eneolithic cranium discovered in the Marcel Loubens Cave (Bologna, Northern Italy). Plos one, 16(3), e0247306. [25]
- Bernardini, S., Bellatreccia, F., Columbu, A., Vaccarelli, I., Pellegrini, M., Jurado, V., Del Gallo, M., Saiz-Jimenez, C., Sodo, A., Millo, C., Jovane, L., & De Waele, J. (2021). Morpho-Mineralogical and Bio-Geochemical Description of Cave Manganese Stromatolite-Like Patinas (Grotta del Cervo, Central Italy) and Hints on Their Paleohydrological-Driven Genesis. Front. Earth Sci, 9, 642667. [6]
- Bertini, A., Piccini, L., Ricci, M., & Massini, M. (2021). Palynological evidence of Middle Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental changes from the ‘Buca dell’Onice’flowstone (Alpi Apuane, Central Italy). The Depositional Record 2021, 1-15. [15]
- Boschin, F., Columbu, A., Spagnolo, V., Crezzini, J., Bahain, J. J., Falguères, C., Benazzi, S., Boscato, P., Ronchitelli, A., Moroni, A., & Martini, I. (2021). Human occupation continuity in southern Italy towards the end of the Middle Palaeolithic: a palaeoenvironmental perspective from Apulia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 2021, 1-13. [2]
- Canedoli, C., Ficetola, G. F., Corengia, D., Tognini, P., Ferrario, A., & Padoa-Schioppa, E. (2021). Integrating landscape ecology and the assessment of ecosystem services in the study of karst areas. Landscape Ecology, 1-19. [46]
- Columbu, A., Calabrò, L., Chiarini, V., & De Waele, J. (2021). Stalagmites: from Science Application to Museumization. Geoheritage, 13(2), 1-11. [20]
- Columbu, A., Audra, P., Gázquez, F., D’Angeli, I. M., Bigot, J. Y., Koltai, G., Chiesa, R., Yu, T.L., Hu, H.-M., Shen, C.-C., Carbone, C., Heresanu, V., Nobécourt, J.-C., & De Waele, J. (2021). Hypogenic speleogenesis, late stage epigenic overprinting and condensation-corrosion in a complex cave system in relation to landscape evolution (Toirano, Liguria, Italy). Geomorphology, 376, 107561. [2]
- D’Angeli, I. M., De Waele, J., Fiorucci, A., Vigna, B., Bernasconi, S. M., Florea, L. J., Liso, I.S., & Parise, M. (2021). Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the sulfur karst springs at Santa Cesarea Terme (Apulia, southern Italy). Hydrogeology Journal, 29(1), 481-498. [14]
- Filippi, F. M. D., Iacurto, S., Grelle, G., & Sappa, G. (2021). Magnesium as Environmental Tracer for Karst Spring Baseflow/Overflow Assessment. A Case Study of the Pertuso Karst Spring (Latium Region, Italy). Water, 13(1), 93. [13]
- Fabbri, S., Chiarini, V., Ercolani, M., Sansavini, G., Santagata, T., & De Waele, J. (2021). Terrestrial laser scanning, geomorphology and archaeology of a Roman gypsum quarry (Vena del Gesso Romagnola area, Northern Apennines, Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36, 102810. [31]
- Garavelli, A., Andriani, G. F., Fioretti, G., Iurilli, V., Marsico, A., & Pinto, D. (2021). The “Sant’Angelo in Criptis” Cave Church in Santeramo in Colle (Apulia, South Italy): A Multidisciplinary Study for the Evaluation of Conservation State and Stability Assessment. Geosciences, 11(9), 382. [32]
- Giordan, D., Godone, D., Baldo, M., Piras, M., Grasso, N., & Zerbetto, R. (2021). Survey Solutions for 3D Acquisition and Representation of Artificial and Natural Caves. Applied Sciences, 11(14), 6482. [33]
- Isola, I., Mazzarini, F., Molli, G., Piccini, L., Zanella, E., Zanchetta, G., Drysdale, R.N., Hellstrom, J., Roncioni, A., Milazzo, F., Pieruccioni, D., & Regattieri, E. (2021). New chronological constraints from hypogean deposits for late Pliocene to Recent morphotectonic history of the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany, Italy). Geosciences, 11(2), 65. [9]
- Johnston, V. E., Borsato, A., Frisia, S., Spötl, C., Hellstrom, J. C., Cheng, H., & Edwards, R. L. (2021). Last interglacial hydroclimate in the Italian Prealps reconstructed from speleothem multi-proxy records (Bigonda Cave, NE Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 272, 107243. [17]
- Jurado, V., D’Angeli, I., Martin-Pozas, T., Cappelletti, M., Ghezzi, D., Gonzalez-Pimentel, J. L., Cuezva, S., Miller, A.Z., Fernandez-Cortès, A., De Waele, J., Sanchez-Moral, S., & Saiz-Jimenez, C. (2021). Dominance of Arcobacter in the white filaments from the thermal sulfidic spring of Fetida Cave (Apulia, southern Italy). Science of The Total Environment, 800, 149465. [35]
- Koltai, G., Spötl, C., Jarosch, A. H., & Cheng, H. (2021). Cryogenic cave carbonates in the Dolomites (northern Italy): insights into Younger Dryas cooling and seasonal precipitation. Climate of the Past, 17(2), 775-789. [18]
- Lunghi, E. (2021). Doubling the lifespan of European plethodontid salamanders. Ecology, e03581. [41]
- Lunghi, E. & Corti, C. (2021). Predation of European cave salamanders (Speleomantes) by the spider Meta bourneti. Spixiana 44: 54. [40]
- Lunghi, E., Cianferoni, F., Giachello, S., Zhao, Y., Manenti, R., Corti, C., & Ficetola, G. F. (2021). Updating salamander datasets with phenotypic and stomach content information for two mainland Speleomantes. Scientific Data, 8(1), 1-6. [43]
- Lunghi, E., Cianferoni, F., Merilli, S., Zhao, Y., Manenti, R., Ficetola, G. F., & Corti, C. (2021). Ecological Observations on Hybrid Populations of European Plethodontid Salamanders, Genus Speleomantes. Diversity, 13(7), 285. [42]
- Margiotta, S., Marini, G., Fay, S., D’Onghia, F. M., Liso, I. S., Parise, M., & Pinna, M. (2021). Hydro-Stratigraphic Conditions and Human Activity Leading to Development of a Sinkhole Cluster in a Mediterranean Water Ecosystem. Hydrology, 8(3), 111. [12]
- Mecozzi, B., Bellucci, L., Giustini, F., Iannucci A., Adam Iurino D., Mazzini I., Strani, F., Sardella, R. (2021). A reappraisal of the Pleistocene mammals from the karst infilling deposits of the Maglie area (Lecce, Apulia, Southern Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 127(2), 355-382. [30]
- Mecozzi, B., Iannucci, A., Bona, F., Mazzini, I., Pieruccini, P., Sardella, R. (2021). Rediscovering Lutra lutra from Grotta Romanelli (southern Italy) in the framework of the puzzling evolutionary history of Eurasian otter. PalZ https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-021-00553-y. [28]
- Nannoni, A., Piccini, L., Costagliola, P., Batistoni, N., Gabellini, P., Cioni, R., Pratesi, G. & Bucci, S. (2021). Innovative Approaches for the Sedimentological Characterization of Fine Natural and Anthropogenic Sediments in Karst Systems: The Case of the Apuan Alps (Central Italy). Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 308. [10]
- Nicolosi, G., Mammola, S., Costanzo, S., Sabella, G., Cirrincione, R., Signorello, G., & Isaia, M. (2021). Microhabitat selection of a Sicilian subterranean woodlouse and its implications for cave management. International Journal of Speleology, 50, 53-63. [39]
- Piano, E., Nicolosi, G., & Isaia, M. (2021). Modulating lighting regime favours a sustainable use of show caves: A case study in NW-Italy. Journal for Nature Conservation, 64, 126075. [37]
- Piccini, L., Nannoni, A., Costagliola, P., Paolieri, M., & Vigiani, C. (2021). Composition and structure of phosphate-rich parietal crusts and nodules in Monte Corchia Cave, Alpi Apuane (Central Italy). Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 356. [7]
- Pisani, L., Antonellini, M., D’Angeli, I. M., & De Waele, J. (2021). Structurally controlled development of a sulfuric hypogene karst system in a fold-and-thrust belt (Majella Massif, Italy). Journal of Structural Geology, 145, 104305. [3]
- Pizzorusso, A. C. (2021). Miraculous milk caves (Lattaie) of Italy. Carbonates and Evaporites, 36(4), 1-7. [11]
- Regattieri, E., Querci, S., Zanchetta, G., Zanella, E., Isola, I., Drysdale, R. N., Hellstrom, J.C., & Magrì, F. (2021). Interstadial conditions over the Southern Alps during the early penultimate glacial (MIS 6): a multiproxy record from Rio Martino Cave (Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 257, 106856. [16]
- Rellini, I., Firpo, M., Arobba, D., Starnini, E., Romano, M., Citton, P., Salvador, I., Negrino, F., Avanzini, M., & Zunino, M. (2021). Micromorphology and origin of an unusual bear fur-bearing deposit in Bàsura Cave (Toirano, NW Italy). Quaternary International, 601, 82-103. [24]
- Romano, E., Bergamin, L., Di Bella, L., Frezza, V., Pierfranceschi, G., Marassich, A., & Provenzani, C. (2021). Benthic foraminifera as environmental indicators in extreme environments: The marine cave of Bue Marino (Sardinia, Italy). Ecological Indicators, 120, 106977. [44]
- Sauro, F., Fellin, M. G., Columbu, A., Häuselmann, P., Borsato, A., Carbone, C., & De Waele, J. (2021). Hints on the Late Miocene Evolution of the Tonale-Adamello-Brenta Region (Alps, Italy) Based on Allochtonous Sediments From Raponzolo Cave. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 411. [8]
- Sessa, E., Bona, F., & Angiolini, L. (2021). Frost action and human occupation during the Late Pleistocene in the Italian Southern Alps: micromorphological evidences from the Caverna Generosa cave. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 140(2), 205-220. [21]
- Sigari, D., Mazzini, I., Conti, J., Forti, L., Lembo, G., Mecozzi, B., Muttillo, B., Sardella, R. (2021). Birds and bovids: new parietal engravings at the Romanelli Cave, Apulia. Antiquity, 2021, 1-18. [29]
- Skeates, R., Beckett, J., Mancini, D., Cavazzuti, C., Silvestri, L., Hamilton, W. D., Sayle, K.L., Crowder, K.D., Rolfo, M., & Angle, M. (2021). Rethinking Collective Burial in Mediterranean Caves: Middle Bronze Age Grotta Regina Margherita, Central Italy. Journal of Field Archaeology, 46(6), 382-398. [26]
- Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., & Cheng, H. (2021). Hypogene speleogenesis and paragenesis in the Dolomites. Geomorphology, 382, 107667. [1]
- Stocchino, G.A., Dols-Serrate, D., Sluys, R., Riutort, M., Onnis, C., Manconi, R. (2021) Amphibioplanidae: a new branch and family on the phylogenetic tree of the triclad flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida), represented by a species from Sardinian caves with a remarkable lifestyle. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 193, 1364-1391. [45]
- Talà, A., Buccolieri, A., Calcagnile, M., Ciccarese, G., Onorato, M., Onorato, R., Serra, A., Spedicato, F., Tredici, S.M., Alifano, P., & Belmonte, G. (2021). Chemotrophic profiling of prokaryotic communities thriving on organic and mineral nutrients in a submerged coastal cave. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 142514. [36]
- Zanchetta, G., Bini, M., Bloomfield, K., Izdebski, A., Vivoli, N., Regattieri, E., Isola, I., Drysdale, R.N., Bajo, P., Hellstrom, J.C., Wiśniewski, R., Fallick, A.E., Natali, S., Luppichini, M. (2021). Beyond one-way determinism: San Frediano’s miracle and climatic change in Central and Northern Italy in late antiquity. Climatic Change, 165, 25. [19]