La ricerca paleoclimatica sugli speleotemi in Italia – Paleoclimatic research on speleothemes in Italy
Gli speleotemi sono importanti registratori dei cambiamenti climatici e, grazie alla recente possibilità di datarli con precisione, si sta sempre più diffondendo il loro studio per registrare i cambiamenti climatici e ambientali avvenuti negli ultimi 3 milioni di anni.
L’Italia inoltre si presta particolarmente a ricerche di questo tipo perché, pur con una superficie inferiore a numerosi altri stati europei, essendo allungata in senso longitudinale e al centro del Mediterraneo, presenta una notevole varietà di situazioni climatiche.
Speleothems are important recorders of climate change and, thanks to the recent possibility to date them precisely, their study is increasingly to record the climatic and environmental changes occurred in the last 3 million years.
Italy also is particularly suited to this type of research because, even with an area less than many other European countries, being elongated in the longitudinal direction and the in center of the Mediterranean, with a wide variety of climatic conditions.
di Ilaria Isola, Leonardo Piccini, Eleonora Regattieri, Giovanni Zanchetta – articolo completo sulla rivista
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68_paleoclimiPrincipali pubblicazioni – Main Publications
Antonioli, F.; Oliverio, M.; (1996). Holocene sea-level rise recorded by fossil mussel shells in submerged speleothem in the Mediterranean sea. Quaternary Research, 45, p. 241-244.
Bard, E.; Antonioli, F.; Silenzi, S.; (2002). Sea-level during the penultimate interglacial period based on submerged stalagmite from Argentarola Cave (Italy). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196, p. 135–146.
Drysdale, R.N.; Hellstrom, J.; Zanchetta, G.; Fallick, A.E.; Sanchez-Goni, I.; Couchoud, I.; McDonald, R.; Mass, R.; Lohmann, G.; Isola, I.; (2009). Evidence for Obliquity Forcing of Glacial Termination II. Science, 325, p. 1527-1531.
Fornaca-Rinaldi, G.; Panichi, C.; Tongiorgi, R.; (1968). Some causes of the variations of the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in cave concretions. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 4, p.321-324.
Frisia, S.; Borsato, A.; Preto, N.; McDermott, F.; (2003). Late Holocene annual growth in three Alpine stalagmites records the influence of solar activity an the North Atlantic oscillation on winter climate. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 216, p. 411–424.
Frisia, S.; Borsato, A.; Spötl, C.; Villa, I.M.; Cucchi, F.; (2005). Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17 000 years reconstructed from a stalagmite record. Boreas 34, p. 445-455.
Frisia, S.; Borsato, A.; Spötl, C.; Villa, I.; Cucchi, F.; (2005). Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17 000 years reconstructed from a stalagmite record. Boreas, 34, p. 445– 455.
Frisia, S.; Borsato, A.; Mangini, A.; Spötl, C.; Madonia, G.; Sauro, U.; (2006). Holocene climate variability in Sicily from a discontinuous stalagmite record and the Mesolithic to Neolithic transition. Quaternary Researches, 66, p. 388–400.
Piccini, L.; Zanchetta, G.; Drysdale, R.N.; Hellstrom, J.; Isola, I.; Fallick, A.E.; Leone, G.; Doveri, M.; Mussi, M.; Mantelli, F.; Molli, G.; Lotti, L.; Roncioni, A.; Regattieri, E.; Meccheri, M.; Vaselli, L.; (2008). The environmental features of the Monte Corchia cave system (Apuan Alps, central Italy) and their effects on speleothems growths. International Journal of Speleology, 37, p. 153-173.
Regattieri, E.; Zanchetta, G.; Isola, I.; Drysdale, R.N.; Hellstrom, J.; Baneschi, I.; (2012). Stratigraphy, petrography and chronology of speleothem concretion at Tana Che Urla (Lucca, Italy): paleoclimatic implications. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica del Quaternario, in press.
Zanchetta, G.; Drysdale, R.N.; Hellstrom, J.C.; Fallick, A.E.; Isola, I.; Gagan, M.; Pareschi, M.T.; (2007). Enhanced rainfall in the western Mediterranean during deposition of Sapropel S1: stalagmite evidence from Corchia Cave (Central Italy). Quaternary Science Review, 26, p. 279-286.
Zhornyak. L.V.; Zanchetta, G.; Drysdale, R.N.; Hellstrom, J.C.; Isola, I.; Regattieri, E.; Piccini, L.; Baneschi, I.; (2011). Stratigraphic evidence for a “pluvial phase” between ca. 8200-7100 ka from Renella Cave (Central Italy). Quaternary Science Review, 30, p. 409-417.